4Life Glutamine Prime



glutamine prime

One serving size (Six capsules) contain 2300 mg of L-glutamine. Also contains L-Arginine N-Acetyl L-Cysteine Alpha Lipoic Acid L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine.

Selected reseach on the benefits of Glutamine here.

Glutamine Prime is a product that will supply your body with additional source of support for healthy immune cell function, especially during times of increased stress.

Glutamine is an amino acid that is associated with body mass and muscle growth for people who work out in the gym, promoting healthy growth of cells.

Certainly all essential amino acids are vital to life, and have many functions in metabolism. An important function is to serve as the building blocks of proteins, including muscles, hair, immune cells.

Research has shown that Glutamine is an amino acid that also serves as a major source of energy and fuel for our immune cells. Glutamine is continually required and used by the immune system.

The reserves in your body can become depleted by under the conditions like everyday stress, such as exercising and training for athletic events, keeping up with busy day-today life, or struggling with various health problems.

Glutamine Prime is formulated with the rich energy source of glutamine to help optimize immune cell function.

Besides that , the formula includes the building blocks of the important antioxidant glutathione, which helps protect cells from oxidation caused by free radicals, and features 4Life’s NanoFactor® extract for enhanced communication and regulation between immune cells. In addition the nutrients such as Arginine, Cysteine and Alpha Lipoic Acid are also included to round up the formula making Glutamine Prime an excellent companion product to the complete line of 4Life Transfer Factor® products..


Amount Per Serving %DV*
L-Glutamine 2300 mg †
Immune Energy Blend 780 mg †
N-Acetyl L-Cysteine
Alpha Lipoic Acid
A proprietary concentrate of nano-filtered cow colostrum