Benefits of Glutamine

Works in the liver to produce Glutathione the most powerful disease fighting amino acid.


L-Glutamine has loads of benefits to your body, immune system and anti-aging. It is a nonessential amino acid, naturally occurring in the human body and brain, that has become a very popular supplement in athletic circles. While we say it is 'non essential' - it does not mean it is not important! The term simply means that that your body can build a nonessential amino acid from other food sources.

Selected research

Glutamine represents about 60 percent of all the free amino acids in your system, making it the most important amino acid coursing through your veins. It provides fuel for your brain, muscles, intestinal lining and white blood cells. Skeletal muscles manufacture most of it, along with some help from your lungs and brain. On the other hand, your intestine, kidneys and immune system consume loads of this amino acid without producing any. So, during stressful activities like intense exercise, the balance of glutamine shifts from your big, bulging muscles to your needy gut and immune system. This transfer depletes your muscle tissue, and can eventually create an overall deficit in blood plasma levels.

L-Glutamine, the 'L' referring to a particular property of the amino acid, can be an amazing aid in healing stomach ulcers, stopping diarrhea, repairing a “leaky gut,” and helping the body repair its cartilage, tendons, and ligaments.

Glutamine finds its concentrations in the muscles, brain, lungs, heart, kidney, liver, and gut lining. It is a major fuel and energy source for the body and brain.

For many intestinal problems it can help repair damage. Including problems, such as nausea, diarrhea etc that arise from chemotherapy treatment.

From Dr James Meschino (1)

"L-Glutamine can contribute to the production of other amino acids, glucose, nucleotides, protein and glutathione.  It is the principal metabolic fuel for the epithelial cells that line the small intestine (enterocytes), and for certain immune cells, namely lymphocytes, macrophages, and fibroblasts.

Glutamine intake has been shown to enhance glutathione stores in conjunction with N-acetylcysteine, which may forestall the progression of HIV infection to AIDS in afflicted patients. Glutamine supplementation has been shown to help protect the gastrointestinal tract from damage by certain chemotherapy drugs (i.e. fluorouracil) and also prevents diarrhea that these drugs are known to produce."

He goes on to add, "Glutamine supplementation has been shown to enhance immune system function and result in a lower level of infection and a shorter stay in hospital following surgery, radiation treatment, bone marrow transplantation, and in patients suffering from injury, compared with patients receiving Glutamine-free parenteral nutrition."

Featured video: Dr James Meschino on L - Glutamine


Video on glutathione: Dr Oz on the importance of Glutathione



Glutamine side effects (2): Since the the body has such large concentrations of glutamine, large doses can be tolerated even useful for over all health. Due to it's vast uses and cures, Glutamine should be considered a vital health nutrient in most everyones health regimen. It has been reported that doses greater than 40,000 mg daily can elevate ammonia levels. But this is not normal. People who suffer from acute cases of liver and kidney failure should not use glutamine.

Glutamine may trigger epileptic seizures in epileptic patients, two case reports exist to support this side effect.




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